News Flash! My Exclusive Filmed Interview with world-renowned doctor, scientist and Covid-19 spike injury expert Dr Peter McCullough MD is now broadcasting here in the magazine.
To watch this exclusive filmed video interview between the iconic vaccine injured journalist Alison Jane Reid and Dr Peter McCullough MD please subscribe to the magazine for one month go to our subscription page and choose The Iconic Interviews option for one month costs £3 (approximately $2.34). Just toggle to the monthly option. This version contains Alison Jane's long-form feature on her story and journey to recover her health.
Once you have paid, please go straight to the interview, which will be available to you.
The interview is behind our paid magazine supporter paywall to raise money for my vaccine injury appeal and to support me and this magazine as I rebuild my life and career after more than three years of profound suffering, no accountability from the NHS, the UK Government and no financial help. I have used my life savings to live and to pay for life-saving medical treatment and medicines.
Subscribe here and watch the Interview and Support AJ and Her Legal Appeal for the Vaccine Damage Payment for £3 ($2.34). The interview was filmed between London and Texas and lasts for 54 minutes. Talented students at Raindance Film School Filmed and Edited the Interview and supported this deeply personal and emotional story. Please share the interview everywhere.
You can watch a teaser from the interview here. Please follow the magazine, subscribe and follow the magazine on X here. I am raising money for the magazine and my legal appeal with lawyer Peter Todd for the Vaccine Damage Payment. Please consider becoming a paid supporter of The Luminaries Magazine for real, slow journalism that matters and makes your year. Real journalism, free of vested interests needs to be championed and supported. We don't run advertising in order to uphold very high principles of independence. I can't wait to bring your more and more arts journalism that inspires and delights you. There is so much to read and watch! Alison Jane.
This my harrowing story of how I was injured within three hours by a single dose of the Astra Zeneca Vaccine on May 2021, in order to see my dying mother, and how my life and health has been saved at the eleventh hour, by reaching out to Dr Peter McCullough MD, the world-renowned US cardiologist, internist and infectious disease specialist and the author of Courageous Discourse for medical freedom.
Peter has formulated Spike Support, a holistic vaccine protocol injury supplement which consists of six detoxification agents including nattokinase, selenium, Irish moss, black seed, green tea and dandelion root to break up and dissolve the Spike Protein which accumulates in the body and has been shown to trigger autoimmunity and high inflammation, leading the body to attack itself. Spike Support also works for people who have been injured by the Covid virus, as it is the Wuhan Spike Protein that is the problem. Spike Support is made by The Wellness Company in the US.
Contrary to what we have been told, the Spike Protein doesn't leave the body quickly. The Brogna et al study demonstrates that it can stay in the body for more than six months. See details of the study in the body of the article below. Dr McCullough is seeing high antibodies for the Spike protein three years after Covid-19 Vaccine injection. That is chilling.
Spike Support is gentle, rooted in nature's larder and it works. Please share my journalist story everywhere. I have had no support in the UK. None. The former conservative government, labour and the Liberal Democrats and the NHS are collectively tone-deaf when it comes to the thousands of people injured by the novel Covid-19 vaccines. It is clear that our political system of accountability and working in the public interest lies in ruins.
The vaccine-injured have been left to die, suffer and fall apart with no financial support, accountability or redress. There are over 9,500 + vaccine injury claims and counting in the UK and 97% of us our still waiting for the Vaccine Damage Payment. We are all being forced to appeal with a medical diagnosis of injury. This is an unprecedented health scandal that is set to become the biggest health disaster of all time.
Buy Spike Support and use the code LUMINARIES for a 10% discount via The Luminaries Magazine affiliate link and other supplements formulated by the world's top doctors from The Wellness Company for medical freedom and help me recover three years of lost earnings and medical expenses. It is time to once again create iconic arts and entertainment journalism that matters and makes your day! TWC ships just about everywhere and they are launching in the UK soon. Love and hope, Alison Jane xxx
My Story of Astra Zeneca Vaccine Injury and the Long Road to Recovery
Dear Luminary reader, I started this letter to you fourteen months ago. That is how long it has taken me to finish it. On May the 25th 2021, my life changed forever when I was seriously injured within three hours by a single dose of the Astra Zeneca Covid-19 vaccine on May 25th 2021. I was held to ransom over seeing my dying mother. As a result of the vaccine injury I didn't get to see my mother again in person before she died three months later. I was too ill to travel. I said goodbye to my mother on WhatsApp. How dystopian. How 21st Century.
In early 2023, when I was well enough to take legal advice, I paid for a legal briefing with top vaccine injury lawyer, Peter Todd. This what he told me.
"The AstraZeneca Vaccine is highly immunogenic. The makers knew this was a problem and struggled to take the vaccine to market. When the pandemic came along it appears they chose to forget this fact. The technology is risky."
Astra Zeneca is a Faulty Vaccine Based on Risky Technology

That makes perfect sense to me. The AZ Vaccine profoundly injured my innate immune system within three hours of vaccination and caused a storm of inflammation and post vaccine syndromes. The makers of the vaccine have known this all along. The information is in the trial data. They chose to ignore this huge safety issue and go ahead with a faulty and dangerous vaccine in 2021 with an indemnity against harm given to them by the former conservative government.
Now watch the interview with Dr Peter McCullough MD, the world-renowned doctor who saved my life and health in the summer of 2023.